AI Integrated M.A ENGLISH

MA English

The Department of English was established in the year 1974 with just four faculty members.
Branch XII English Literature was introduced in 1981 and the Department expanded.
In the Self-financing wing M.A., English was introduced in 2002, B.A English in 2008 and M. Phil in 2016. We have been guiding the Ph.D. candidates since 2007.
The faculty members have published around 86 papers in various journals, seminar volumes and have published 4 books. Two of our students have presented papers in International Conference.
The faculty members of the Department have been the Chairpersons and members of the Board of studies in Periyar University. Few of our faculty are members of the Board of studies in other Autonomous Colleges like Vellalar College for Women, Erode, Sri Sarada College for Women, Salem and Vivekanandha College of Arts and Science for Women, Elayampalayam.
Five members of our Department have acted as Resource Persons in many Seminars and Conferences and have also acted as members of the Inspection Committee for various Colleges.
The Department has organized a National Level Seminar and a State Level Workshop.
The Department has 3 Ph.D guides and 5 M.Phil guides.

  • The Department has produced 16 Ph.D and 25 M.Phil Scholars. Five research scholars have submitted their Ph.D thesis. At present nearly 18 Ph.D and
    8 M.Phil scholars
    are pursuing their research.
  • Many students from our Department are office bearers in various associations. They have brought laurels to the Department by winning in various competitions organized by various associations of our College and in other inter collegiate competitions.
  • Many of our alumni are placed in renowned positions as gazetted officers and most of our students are working in Government Schools and Colleges and in reputed companies.

Courses Offered

Name of the Degree Duration
B.A. English Literature 3 years


To create a love for literature and language.


To improve the communicative skills of the students.


Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Interpret ambiguous texts, complex texts and texts of aesthetic value.
  • Understand the deliberate writing process with emphasis on inquiry, audience, research, and revision.
  • Engage themselves in critical conversations and prepare, organize, and deliver their work to the public

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  • Equip with knowledge of English as a world language.
  • Equip with analytical skills in linguistics, communications and literary criticism.
  • Apply theoretical frame works to analyze media and other forms of public discourse.
  • Develop Faculty of Skill.
  • Increasing the in-depth Knowledge of the Core Areas of the Subject.


JKKN College of Arts & Science offers a Master of Arts (M.A) program in English. This program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of English language, literature, and related fields of study. The curriculum includes courses on various genres of literature, literary theory, critical analysis, linguistics, cultural studies, and research methodologies. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and a deep appreciation for literature through the study of classic and contemporary texts. The program also emphasizes the development of effective communication skills, both written and oral, and encourages students to explore interdisciplinary connections between literature and other disciplines. With experienced faculty, well-equipped libraries, and opportunities for research and publication, the M.A English program at JKKN College of Arts & Science prepares students for careers in academia, research, writing, journalism, publishing, media, and other related fields, or for further advanced studies in English or related disciplines.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  • Demonstrate a thorough command of English and its linguistics structures.
  • Apply theoretical frame works to analyze media and other forms of public discourse.
  • Work productively in diverse teams and solve problems collaboratively.
  • Ethically gather, understand, evaluate and synthesize information from a variety of written and electronic sources.
  • Develop intellectual flexibility, creativity and cultural literacy so as to engage in life-long learning.