The Department of Tamil was started in the year 1974. The Department introduced M.Phil., and Ph.D., Programme from the year 2001. Two of our Staff members were awarded the “Best Paper Presenter” at the National Level Seminar. Ourt Professors have won many awards like Aaivu Semmal Award, Kaviaruvi Award and Thirkkural Tilakam Award. We have Participated in international seminars and presented 62 papers in National and International seminors. Research papers has been published in the UGC recommended journals. With the financial support of UGC, Minor Research project worth Rs.6,05,000 has been completed. The faculty members have been the senate members, Chairperons and members of the Board of studies in the Periyar University and have also acted as members of the Inspection committee for various colleges in and around Salem. With the financial help of central institute of classical Tamil, ‘Maha Kavi Bharathi Memorail Day festival competitions’ were held and Rs. 10,000/- Prizes were awarded to the students.To enrich the language skill of the students, various competitions are conducted within the campus and they are also motivated to participate in the competitions conducted by other Colleges. Consecutively for the past three years, our students have won cash prize of Rs. 75,000/- and trophies in various competitions organized by various organizations.