AI Integrated B.Sc Mathematics

B.Sc. Maths

In 2002, the M.Sc. Mathematics program was established and the B.Sc. Mathematics program followed in 2014. The Department has a history of achieving perfect scores and has celebrated the birthday of renowned Mathematician Ramanujan to acknowledge his invaluable contributions to the field of Mathematics.



Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • To become an academician in premier institutions, to shape young minds and to eternally build the Nation.
  • To emerge as business analysts in large scale organizations.
  • To apply problem solving techniques in Automobile, Aviation and Marine industries.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  • To capture knowledge and to find out solutions to real-life problems.
  • To obtain new ideas, to reduce the cost of production while accelerating the scale of operations of industries.
  • To empower the acquaintance towards academic and research areas.
  • To analyze the factors influencing the growth of organizations.
  • To create new business models through mathematical techniques.