AI Integrated B.Sc.Computer Science

Computer Science

The Department offers M.C.A. in Aided and B.Sc Computer Science courses in the Self-financing wing since 1987M.Sc. Computer Science was started in 2002B.C.A. in 2013 and M.Phil in 2015.

Our faculty members have published nearly 60 papers and produced 6 M.Phil. 3 of them are pursuing their Doctorate degrees.

The faculty members of the Department have been the Chairperson and members of the Board of Studies at Periyar University and Sri Sarada College for Women, Salem and Vellalar College for Women, Erode.

The Faculty members have also acted as members of the Inspection Committee for various Colleges.

Many students have bagged University ranks.

M.C.A. students have participated in various events organized in other Colleges and have brought fame to the Department and College.

The Department has produced Eminent professionals well placed both in India and abroad.



To mold the students into competent and creative technocrats to meet the growing global changes.


To develop the intellectual excellence and creativity of the students.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources who are employable in IT and ITES
  • Develop an ability to apply knowledge in the computing discipline
  • Engage as a computing professional for the betterment of individuals, organizations, the research community and society

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  • Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, computer science and management in practice
  • Ability to identify, critically analyze, formulate and develop computer applications
  • Develop the ability to use research, experiment and solve the contemporary industrial problems
  • Impart knowledge required for planning, designing and building complex application software systems and providing support to automated systems or application
  • Recognize the impact of computing solutions in a global and societal context by independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Dr.K.P.SivagamiM.Sc., M.phil., Ph.D., PGDCA.,Associate Professor & Head
Ms.A.GeethaM.C.A., M.Phil.,Associate Professor
Dr.S.AranganayagiM.C.A., Ph.D.,Associate Professor
Dr.E.HaripriyaM.C.A., M.E., M.Phil., Ph.D., NET.,Assistant Professor
Mrs.K.VeenaM.C.A., M.Phil., SET., Assistant Professor
Dr.V.SasirekhaM.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor