The Department of Chemistry made its beginning in the year 1980 with the Under Graduate course and very shortly it was upgraded as Post Graduate department in the year 1983.
The Department of Chemistry recognized as a Research Centre for M.Phil and Ph.D in chemistry (Full Time & Part Time) from 2021
The department has well qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty members whose untiring efforts have lifted the department to lay mile stones.
Our department faculty members have served as Chairman and BoS member in University, UG & PG Board of studies in various academic Institutions.
Our faculties have also acted as Chairman, Chief and Evaluators in University UG & PG Examination Board Valuation.
The faculty members have undertaken three minor and one major research projects funded by UGC and DST worth about 52 lakhs.
More than 20 research papers were published in International peer reviewed journals by our members of faculty in the last five years.
It has full-fledged laboratories with latest equipment’s to cater the needs of students both at the Under Graduate and Post Graduate level.
The department has the privilege of stating that it has produced University Rank holders at the Under Graduate and Post Graduate level, a number of times.
Our PG students have actively participated and presented papers in National and International conferences.